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Ultrafine aquatic feed crushing scheme
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Ultrafine aquatic feed crushing scheme

Feed ultrafine mill is widely used in aquaculture. The commonly used feeds in aquaculture include fish meal, shrimp meal, soybean meal, etc., which need to be crushed into the corresponding particle size in order to be digested and absorbed by animals such as fish and shrimp. The feed ultrafine grinder can crush these feeds into the appropriate size and improve the utilization rate of feed.

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In the ultrafine aquatic feed industry, Weifang Perman Powder customized ultrafine aquatic feed crushing, grading and other complete solutions:

Aquatic feed must be finer crushed to meet the needs of animal digestion and granulation requirements. The appropriate fineness of grinding is affected by the growth stage of animals, nutritional requirements and feed processing technology and equipment. Reasonable selection of grinding fineness is also an inevitable requirement for reducing costs, improving production capacity and ensuring product quality.

The digestive tract of aquatic animals is short, in order to speed up digestion and absorption, aquatic feed should be smaller than the grinding grain of livestock and poultry feed, such as the production of eel and prawn feed, its grain size should reach 80 to 120 mesh. In addition, the aquatic animal compound feed has high protein content and low carbohydrate content, and the feed particle structure is tight, requiring high adhesion and water resistance.

Perman offers production lines that meet the following requirements

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    Suitable for ultra-fine powder,It has the effect of dispersing and deaggregating false aggregation.

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    2μm-150μm ultrafine grinding/grading, the finished particle size is adjustable and controllable

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    PLC automatic control system, easy to operate

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    Environmental protection

    Fully closed negative pressure operation, no dust spill

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A company grinding machine project site

A company grinding machine project site

A company grinding machine project site


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